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"A coming Home"

It has been a minute since I’ve written anything on the topic of Twin-Flames. Simply because I’ve had my own share of resistance and thoughts regarding the meaninglessness of the connection.

As some of you may have experienced, you became a little obsessed with ”your person” and that led you to some deep examinations of yourself and your inner truths.

That’s all good and, in my opinion, exactly as it ought to be. The reason I’m writing this article today is that I’ve found connection between the twin-flame relationship and law of attraction. A connection that’s perhaps meant to show you what you would like to create, through choosing thoughts, in your reality.

For the past year, I’ve been more focused on the laws of the universe that govern how we are the creators of our reality. See Neville Goddard, Abraham Hicks etc. I’ve been re-searching Law of Attraction, Law of assumption and metaphysical concepts. But today I recognised something that intertwined with the path of the ”Twin-Flame collective”.

Let me walk you through my new ideas.

How did your Twin-Flame make you feel? Think back on the feelings you felt upon realising ”oh, there might be a connection here”.

In my case it was a sense that there is something bigger than us in the Universe. It was a feeling of importance and that I was in the center of the Universe. That I was of value to God. It was a great feeling.

My idea is that these feelings showed a glimpse of what life we truly wanted for ourselves.

Now we have an opportunity, through becoming aware of this, to actually manifest exactly the life we want.

If we allow ourselves to zoom-out for a moment, we might entertain the idea that the Twin-Flame relationship isn’t so much about the current person in this moment of time. Perhaps, right now on the journey, it’s about manifesting the feeling of the connection?

I think we all agree that whatever the connection is, it came as something that felt like a loop-hole in the grand-scheme of events, somehow we experienced all our dreams coming true at once, only to then be tossed back to the deeps of our pain and become acutely aware of the absence of our dreams. Ingenuous concept. I love it.

We then also manifested ”tower moments” in our lives, due to law of attraction, and the pain grew even more as we became more aware of what we were lacking.

Skip forward to where we are today. This current ”wave” of Twin-Flames, that I’m writing this for, is ready to incorporate Twin-Flame energies into practiced manifestation of our realities.

Think about how you felt within the connection, and use that as your light to truly feel it so as to draw it in to you through the law of assumption. I am not talking about the person. Instead focus on the feeling, I am more excited about the feeling!!

Maybe the point is to harbour the feeling-state of it so we become a match to the circumstances + create a reality where we are what the connection made us feel??

I would, personally, rather focus on the feeling-state than the person. Thereby I know that whatever comes in to my experience is a vibrational match to that feeling-state. Maybe that has been the purpose of it all along. To experience a vibration that holds the essence of who you are, and then become acutely aware of all the resistance you have built up against that essence. Maybe we signed-up as souls to this ”experience” simply because we knew we would never be able to drop it, that we could never ”go back” post re-experiencing that feeling-state of our pure essence?

So what could we do now? Well, we could start assuming the feeling state of what our essence felt like. The essence that inspired so many poems and so many realisations. The essence that felt beyond time and place, something so secure that the feeling of home was ever present and enveloping regardless of any potential external circumstances.

The feeling of home.

Ironically, I realise as I’m typing this, by coming into the feeling of ”home” we then experienced what ”home” is NOT. That ”purging” that some call. It could also be that we became more aware of what we have created in our reality that is opposite of our true nature (that is why it is so painful).


While writing this I’ve been getting so many signs and confirmation.

In my life, I am now going to affirm states and choose thoughts that are in alignment with that feeling. ”There is something bigger here, and I feel it deep in my bones” can you imagine what types of experiences would be a vibrational match to a state like that? Can you imagine what kind of reality would become available to us? I am beyond excited!

Thank you so much for reading this.

Love you .xx

Light above Dark,


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